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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I am reading the book "Asperger's and Girls," by a whole bunch of people. There is a section written by someone who specializes in teaching social skills to people on the spectrum, and she basically has making friends with girls down to a formula which she attempts to teach in this book.

I just can't read these things without feeling nauseated. The fact that these books are basically saying, "if you don't do this COMPLETELY superficial, meaningless, and stupid thing-- NOBODY will want to be friends with you" and it's TRUE is just too much. If that's what it takes to make friends, I don't want any.

I wish somebody had told me when I was born that everything I was going to be taught about the world would be a lie. People put in so much effort to tell kids that what matters is what's on the inside and that you should never judge a book by it's cover, and that is so entirely not the way the world works at all. If you don't meet the social norm you will not be worth talking to. Your classmates won't work with you-- hell, they may not even be willing to sit within six feet of you. And not only will nobody want to be your friend, but nobody will even say hello to you. You will be invisible. It will be as if you do not exist. It doesn't matter if you follow all the hygienic rules and dress at least reasonably well, if you don't contribute to a woman's conquest to attain a higher social status, she's not going to talk to you. You aren't WORTH it if you don't look "right."

It's just completely overwhelming how stupid the world is. I am sure I must be the stupid one since I'm in the minority, but I don't care. People make no sense.

1 comment:

  1. And by the way, I do like the book. lol. That's just a small section of it and it is interesting even if it is frustrating.
