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Monday, March 22, 2010

"I think we all can observe that you try to use your disability to gain sympathy from others, but as soon as people point out what you are able to do you strike back hard at them."

I am so incredibly sick of this. I work so hard. So much harder than other people. With little to no complaint. Sure my family, probably my roommate, and my blog get an earful, nobody else knows what I do to myself to just barely cling to keeping up with others my age. And people think I am just trying to get sympathy? UGGGH.

My mom brought up an interesting point today. She suggested that perhaps because I speak and write so eloquently (her words, not mine), it makes it hard for people to believe I am disabled. Boyfriend agrees and said it probably makes it seem like I am lazy when I struggle with my things. It almost makes me wonder if life would be easier if I were mentally handicapped. Because apparently you can't be smart and disabled, and I am going to be fighting to prove what I can't do just to be allowed to do what I can do for the rest of my life. I DON'T want sympathy, I just want the world to let me do what I am good at.

On that note, the disabilities office said that I should re-petition, but they weren't optimistic about how it would go. He suggested I give up my major and become a bachelor of general studies instead so I wouldn't need a language. I will be really hurt if it comes to that. I've worked hard to earn my political science degree, and I have all but finished it already. It's just this stupid Spanish class.

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