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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

So, I founded a club at my school earlier this semester for students with disabilities. It is really important to me to empower disabled students and to make them feel at home here, and at this school they REALLY need that. It's hard for such gifted students to understand how someone could have a learning or developmental disability and still be just as smart as they are. They need a group on campus to go to that gets it.

I am getting really frustrated with it. We had 15 members at our first meeting in January and now have anywhere from 6-10 at our meetings. That isn't a big deal to me, I expected as much. But those 6-10 keep showing up every week but will not get involved, or they'll only do the bare minimum. I feel like I'd be getting a hell of a lot more done if I just did everything by myself.

Twice now they have committed to something and almost nobody followed through. One thing was my idea, one was theirs. We agreed, at my suggestion, to make a list of Do and Dont type things for professors to help them understand how an LD student should be treated, because they are regularly breaking university policy and embarrassing students in front of the whole class and discouraging other LD students from disclosing. We worked on it during the meeting and then, at the suggestion of the VP, agreed we'd brainstorm about it during the week and post more ideas to the facebook. Not one person did it.

So I made a survey for them to fill out about what expectations they had for the club that had been met, and what expectations they had that haven't been met, wondering if I'd just gone off on my own tangent and wasn't doing what they wanted to be doing.. The bottom line is that everyone wants more "fun" activities and for things to be more laid back, but they want to get more work done, too.

Okay. Contradiction number 1.

Now we have broken into committees that meet separately during the week to get shit done, at their suggestion, so we have more time for fun at the meetings. We've only done it once but that appears to be working pretty well. The committee I sit on met on Monday and the four of them decided they wanted to go to the basketball game today instead of meeting. I asked them if they really wanted to go and thought it would be fun. They said yes. I posed it to the rest of the group, they agreed.


I don't know what these people want from me. I feel taken advantage of. We had business to take care of this week that didn't get done because they insisted they wanted to go to the basketball game and then everyone found something better to do. Even all three of the other officers. I was too sick to go and my second, third, and fourth in command were all absent.

This is so frustrating, honestly. This summer I think I am just going to work on everything by myself. The club is never going to get off the ground if people don't get shit done, but they are not happy enough to work together no matter what I do. I literally asked them, "what do you want?" but they don't actually want what they say they want. I don't know what I am supposed to be doing to please them. It seems like nobody cares as much as I do, and that's totally fine with me, but we have to at least commit to the bare minimum here and I don't even have that anymore. I don't know why they're bothering.

1 comment:

  1. I know you are frustarted. I'm sooo happy for you that you actually founded a club in a MAJOR UNIVERSITY! How awesome is that? I think it's pretty damn awesome. Have you made more fliers so more people can join? Your club is just getting started so there are going to be a ton of bugs to work out. I hope for the best for you!!!
