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Thursday, March 25, 2010

So I have yet again not slept (surprise!), so this will not be particularly lengthy or coherent, but I find it very annoying when people with asperger's act as if they are all superior to people with HFA. Some will go so far to justify it that they will make up completely bullshit "symptoms" of HFA which do not even exist just to separate them from me.

It really kind of makes me want to be like YEAH TREATING PEOPLE THAT WAY IS WHY YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS, but that would be insensitive and probably at least mostly inaccurate. So I don't. But I would probably be trying to befriend them if they weren't such assholes about this, and now I am not. So it's at least partly true.

But it is incredibly annoying. If we want to play the divisive game, if anything I am more high functioning than they are, but they act as if I am incapable of being a successful person and that I must have a lower IQ because good god, I have AUTISM!!!! Nevermind that they are BOTH AUTISM, and nevermind that I am actually going to school and in a relationship and not emotionally manipulating my friends by spending hours on end online insisting I am going to kill myself to fish for compliments. The few that are at least remotely rational insist that I must have had that speech delay and that is just a huge freaking deal, but I actually didn't even have a speech delay and it isn't even a big deal anyway. So whatever. (Then there are those that say they "can just tell" when someone has HFA and when they have Asperger's. Okay!)

Dear Aspies,

Stop being mean. Having autism does not give you an excuse to be indiscriminately douchey. Sometimes we are all just douchey and we can't help it, because sometimes we don't know or understand when we are being douchey, but some of you are behaving EXCEPTIONALLY douchey and it is really just not okay. Try a little harder. Some of you really do know better. Some of you don't, and you're forgiven. But some of you do.


I suppose as someone who IS functional enough to know better I am probably obligated to let it go when I run into people who aren't. But I have a hard time believing that every one of them is really that irrational. I can't be the only one like me. It's hard to tell what standard to hold these people to. I'm hesitant to let go of any and all standards like it seems I need to do to not get annoyed, because that doesn't seem fair to either of us, but then I don't know where to draw the line either. It isn't as though people with autism aren't capable of being assholes just for the sake of being assholes if they feel like it like everyone else. I dunno.

I am just very, very annoyed.

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